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Social Activities for Seniors

A group of seniors exercising together under the supervision of a trained staff.

When it comes to senior living, one might conjure up images of quiet solitude and relaxation. Yet, while tranquility is undoubtedly important, senior living communities today offer so much more.  From engaging social activities that foster connection and friendship, to opportunities for personal growth and exploration, living communities have become vibrant hubs of vitality and […]

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Preventive Medicine for Healthy Living in Seniors

A female senior with gray hair holding a dumbbell and exercising in a senior living facility.

Thanks to how far modern medicine has progressed, people are living longer than ever with a high quality of life. One of the direct causes of this is something called “preventive medicine”—the term used to describe the use of medicine to prevent diseases and conditions before they actually develop. The most common types of preventive […]

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Can a Plant-Based Diet Help Parkinson’s?

A senior man is eating a bowl of fruits and grains that are high in fiber to help with constipation.

Medical professionals have known the link between diet and overall health for many years. Science recognizes the impact of the foods we eat on diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, strokes, and obesity. What you eat may impact the progression and management of Parkinson’s. The right foods can  make symptoms more manageable and determine […]

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What Causes Balance Issues in Older Adults?

Senior woman is leaning on a barrier and touching her forehead while suffering from a vertigo.

Finding Your Balance Good balance is more than the ability to stand on one foot or perform cartwheels on a balance beam. Balance means having control over your body and describes steadiness or stability, whether standing or sitting.  Maintaining balance as you age is crucial for supporting your health and lifestyle, whether you live independently […]

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Does Reading Help Mental Health in Seniors?

Senior couple smiling and reading a book by sitting on the couch.

Celebrating Literacy Is there anything better than cozying up with a good book? Bookworms (or bibliophiles) are likely never happier than when reading their favorite tome. But how can this simple life-enhancing activity support mental health? Find out the many benefits of adding reading habits to senior lifestyles. The Benefits of Reading Reading has been […]

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