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What Is Considered Independent Living?

Happy senior woman standing outside laughing together.

Independent living can be an excellent choice for many seniors who want to live in a community of people with similar interests. Residents of independent living communities enjoy support from staff who help nurture personal growth and amenities that help people celebrate life.  Independent living is a lifestyle defined by maintenance-free living and typically includes […]

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Ways to Help Seniors Socialize & Avoid Isolation

A senior woman holding onto a window sill and looking out of the window with a serious expression.

As we age, it’s common for our social networks to shrink—whether it’s caused by retirement, moving away from our family and friends, or experiencing mobility challenges. Helping seniors in your life engage in more social activities as they get older can also help them maintain a high quality of life.  You can help seniors avoid […]

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What Challenges Do Older Adults Face When Moving?

Close-up of senior couple downsizing, packing things to bring into the new home.

Moving can often be challenging regardless of your age, but the process can be particularly challenging for older adults. Physical limitations, emotional difficulties, downsizing, finances, and finding the right community can all be challenges an older adult faces when moving. The transition to a new home, whether it’s a smaller house, an independent living community, […]

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How Does Chronic Pain Affect Activities of Daily Living?

A senior woman sitting on a couch, holding her knee with both hands due to knee pain.

Activities of daily living (ADLs) are essential tasks that many people do every day for their own well-being, such as bathing, dressing, and eating, as well as more complex tasks like managing medication, running errands, and participating in social activities. For seniors affected by chronic pain, there can be significant challenges related to activities of […]

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