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Is Dementia Hereditary from Grandparents?

A senior and their adult grandchild are hugging each other as they talk and sit on a couch.

When someone in the family is diagnosed with dementia, it’s natural to wonder about your own risk. These concerns are valid, as dementia is a condition that doesn’t just affect the individual—it impacts entire families. Luckily, dementia is not usually hereditary, but some genes can make you more likely to develop rare types of dementia. […]

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5 Golf Exercises for Seniors

A woman swinging a golf club while another person watches on a golf course.

Golf is a wonderful game that people of all ages can enjoy. Playing golf regularly has numerous health benefits, such as improving balance and flexibility, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke, and providing mental stimulation. However, like any physical activity, it’s important to prepare one’s body before hitting the golf course. To help […]

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10 Great Apps for Seniors Living Alone

A close-up image of an older adult using a wellness app on their phone.

Today, many older adults choose to live independently, valuing their autonomy and comfort. While living alone brings freedom, it also presents unique challenges like maintaining your health, safety, and social interactions. Thankfully, with the help of technology, you can stay safe, active, and engaged. Great apps for independent older adults who live alone include: How […]

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What to Pack for Assisted Living

An older man moving into his new assisted living apartment sits with his belongings packed behind him.

The decision to move into an assisted living community is a significant one, both for seniors and their families. It marks the beginning of a new chapter filled with opportunities for social interaction, increased safety, and access to professional care.  Yet, like any move, the transition to assisted living requires thoughtful preparation, particularly when it […]

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How to Care for Elderly With Diabetes

Caring for an elderly loved one with complex health and well-being needs such as diabetes can be a challenging, yet incredibly rewarding experience. Diabetes is a prevalent condition that requires careful attention and management to ensure quality of life for senior living.  For caregivers, understanding the nuances of diabetes management in older adults is crucial […]

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