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10 Great Apps for Seniors Living Alone

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A close-up image of an older adult using a wellness app on their phone.

Today, many older adults choose to live independently, valuing their autonomy and comfort. While living alone brings freedom, it also presents unique challenges like maintaining your health, safety, and social interactions. Thankfully, with the help of technology, you can stay safe, active, and engaged.

Great apps for independent older adults who live alone include:

  • Health monitoring apps
  • Communication and social apps
  • Safety and emergency response apps
  • Home management and personal assistance apps

How to Choose an App?

When choosing apps that will help you live alone, there are several things to look for, such as user-friendliness, functionality, and affordability. Apps that cater specifically to independent older adult’s needs should have intuitive interfaces and helpful features that make daily living simpler and safer.

10 Great Apps for Seniors Living Alone

In today’s technology-driven world, there’s an app for almost everything. The following apps can help make life easier and support daily living.

Health Monitoring Apps

Health monitoring apps can provide a convenient and reliable way to track medications and vital health information. These apps help you stay on top of your health and offer the ability to share updates with family members or caregivers for added peace of mind.

  1. MediSafe

Medisafe is a medication engagement platform that helps manage medication, such as dosing schedules and when to order a refill. It can keep track of your medications by sending timely reminders and alerts. It also has the Medfriend feature that notifies a family member if you miss a dose.  

  1. Blood Pressure Monitor

A blood pressure app can monitor your blood pressure and heart health. This app records daily blood pressure readings and can track and analyze trends. You can also share blood pressure information with healthcare providers and family members.

Communication & Social Apps

Communication and social apps are excellent tools, especially if you’re living alone, as they provide a way to stay connected and maintain a sense of community. Whether it’s through video calls, virtual events, or local connections, these apps can help combat loneliness and promote social engagement.

A smiling older adult sitting on a couch talking to family while on a video call.
  1. Zoom

Zoom isn’t just for business meetings; it’s also a fantastic tool to see and chat with loved ones. Regular video calls can fend off loneliness, making it easier to stay emotionally connected. With Zoom, you can even join virtual events and communities.

  1. Nextdoor

Nextdoor helps you connect with neighbors and stay informed about local happenings. With this app, you can find support, public services, businesses, and activities nearby.

Safety & Emergency Response Apps

Safety and emergency response apps provide peace of mind and quick access to help in emergencies. These apps offer features such as real-time location sharing and emergency alerts to receive assistance when needed.

  1. Senior Safety App

The Senior Safety App is a comprehensive safety app designed to keep you safe by sending automated emergency alerts through text or email to caregivers or adult children. Other features of this app include a fall alert, inactivity tracker, low battery alert, and emergency medical information.

  1. Red Panic Button

The Red Panic Button app is a great tool for maintaining independence and security. It can send emergency alerts with GPS location to contacts by the press of a central button. Other features include an emergency dial, voice recording of a distress message, and quick SMS.

Home Management & Personal Assistance Apps

Home management and personal assistance apps can provide tools to simplify daily tasks and access necessary services. These apps offer features such as creating shopping lists, finding help for household tasks, and organizing notes and reminders, allowing you to maintain independence while receiving support in managing your home and personal needs.

  1. Our Groceries

Our Groceries help you create and share shopping lists with family or caregivers. It can also integrate lists with digital assistants like Alexa or Google Home.

  1. TaskRabbit

TaskRabbit is an app where you can find local help for household tasks or errands. Before you hire someone, read reviews to select trusted individuals to assist.

  1. Evernote

Evernote can help organize notes, create reminders, and manage to-do lists. This app can also sync across devices, keeping all your information accessible.

  1. MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal tracks your nutrition and exercise and helps you reach your fitness goals with ease. With this app, you can access a community for motivation and support.

The Ideal Blend of Independence & Community Care

Technology has the power to transform the lives of those living independently, providing tools that enhance safety, communication, and ease of living. Discovering the right apps can significantly support autonomy, health, and well-being.If you’re looking to combine the benefits of these apps with a supportive senior community, contact Parsons House Austin or book a tour to visit us in person. We understand the importance of balancing independence and care. Our community can provide you with a comfortable retirement in independent living with additional support and opportunities for engagement.

Written by Parsons House Austin

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